The Russians Are Coming! … in Mendocino!
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The Russians Are Coming! … in Mendocino!

The 1966 classic comedy The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming is a must-watch for movie lovers and film tourists alike.

Though the film is set on the fictional Gloucester Island, Massachusetts, most of it was filmed along the stunning northern California coast, particularly in Mendocino, Fort Bragg, and Westport. Surprisingly, many of the exact filming locations have remained unidentified - until now. I took on the challenge of tracking them down and submitting them to the SetJetters movie scene location app. In this blog, I reveal how I uncovered the final scene’s exact filming location and how you can visit it yourself.

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Ready to explore the filming locations of the 1974 classic film Benji with your dog? This beloved family film, directed by Joe Camp and produced by Mulberry Square Productions, follows the adventures of a stray dog who helps rescue two kidnapped children. Benji, played by the dog Higgins, became a cultural icon after the film’s release and captured hearts everywhere. Now, you and your furry friend can visit the filming locations in McKinney and Denton, Texas, where this timeless movie was brought to life.

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